Cropped images of textured etched glass with a stunning glass koru design in the background.
Obscured & Frosted Glass

Obscured & Frosted Glass

Patterned, obscured and frosted glass

We manufacture our etched, frosted, textured and wired glass in many different thicknesses, with a variety of patterns available. Our brands include Metro Etchlite, Mistlite, Cathedral, Stippolite, Polished Georgian Wired & SquareLite Wired (please refer to the tabs on the left for more information).

Please note that only selected patterns can be toughened due to the variation in the depth of the pattern. Refer to the selection chart for a list of what thicknesses are available and which options can be toughened. For the types that cannot be toughened, Metro recommends using the laminate option. All obscure glass can be laminated.

When ordering patterned and obscure glass, it is essential to state the direction of the pattern on the order.  Given that standard practice in the glass industry is to state height first and width second, unless stated otherwise the glass will be cut with the pattern running down the height and across the width.,

Etched glass (Metro Etchlite)

Metro Etchlite is a float glass on which one side has been treated with acid to produce a fine grain, satiny finish. The soft, satiny look helps create a minimalist design and glass with a neutral appearance.

Typical applications for Metro Etchlite glass include furniture, bathrooms, cabinets, shelves, lighting, partitions, shower doors and screens, doors, windows, façade glass or balustrades.

The Metro Etchlite surface treatment results in light filtering properties that soften, contour, and produce delicate silhouettes in a wide range of interior and exterior glazing applications. If sprayed with water, the matte appearance will be less visible but will be restored once the glass is dry.

Metro Etchlite is easier to clean than sandblasted glass and the surface can be polished gently to remove any marks. Normal proprietary glass cleaners can be used.


Applications for Metro Etchlite glass include furniture, bathrooms, cabinets, shelves, lighting, partitions, shower doors and screens, doors, windows, façade glass or balustrades.


Metro Etchlite can essentially be processed in the same manner as standard float glass, it can be toughened, laminated, used in insulated glazing units (IGU), painted, bevelled, drilled, and edge-worked. It is important to note that the etched side must be outwards when laminated (surface 1 or surface 4), the etched surface is not suitable for applying ceramic frit coatings, and the beveling and edge treatments will remove the etch effect and give the appearance of standard float glass. 

When glazing

It is advisable to have the etched surface to the inside of the building or to the side easiest to clean. In shower applications, the etched surface should not be inside the shower. The glazing procedure for Metro Etchlite is as per normal glass, but care must be taken with putty and sealants as the etched surface is harder to prepare and adhere to than the normal float glass surface.

Etched glass with a beautiful glass koru design in the background.

Frosted glass (Mistlite and Etchlite)

This is the most common type of obscure glass — more or less opaque, with an extremely fine and smooth texture and a white appearance. Popular for shower doors, office workspace partitions, retail storefronts, and more, frosted glass provides the functionality of glass with partial or full privacy. Acid-etched obscure glass has been treated with a special acid solution that alters the physical surface of the glass and leaves a smooth, flat texture with consistent frosting. This is a very cost-effective option with low-maintenance, high-quality results.

Please note that only selected patterns can be toughened due to the variation in the depth of the pattern. Refer to the selection chart for a list of what thicknesses are available and which options can be toughened. For the types that cannot be toughened, Metro recommends using the laminate option. All obscure glass can be laminated.

Mislite and Etchlite glass with Koru design in the background. A sleek comparison of two stunning glass options.

Textured glass (Cathedral and Stippolite)

Textured glass is manufactured in many different thicknesses with a variety of patterns available. Please note that only selected patterns can be toughened due to the variation in the depth of the pattern. Refer to the selection chart for a list of what thicknesses are available and which options can be toughened. For the types that cannot be toughened, Metro recommends using the laminate option. All obscure glass can be laminated.

When ordering it is essential to state the direction of the pattern on the order.  Given that standard practice in the glass industry is to state height first and width second, unless stated otherwise the glass will be cut with the pattern running down the height and across the width.

Wired glass (Polished Georgian Wired & SquareLite Wired)

Wired glass has 13mm square electrically welded steel wire mesh sandwiched in its centre during the manufacturing process. It is commonly used in fire-rated windows and doors to the maximum sizes and FRR times as tested by the manufacturers. It is a Grade B safety glass.

It is commonly used in fire-rated windows and doors to the maximum sizes and FRR times as tested by the door manufacturers (FFR is based on testing of glazing systems as a whole, not just the relevant glass type).

Metro's Polished Georgian Wired is clear glass and Metro Squarelite Wired is a stippolite pattern that helps to provide privacy.

Note: Wired glass can't be toughened but it can be laminated to clear glass. 

Polished Georgian and squrelite wired glass with Koru design. A contrast of two styles.

Double glazed glass panels stacked on white surface

Need more options?

Our patterned and obscured glass is manufactured in many different thicknesses with a variety of patterns available.

Whatever your requirements, we can customise a solution for you.

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