Shareholder frequently asked questions

We understand that you may have questions about various aspects of our company, your investments and how to invest.

To provide clarity and transparency, we have compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to address any queries you may have.

What does “listed” mean?

A company is “listed” when its shares are quoted (or listed) on a securities exchange. Metro Performance Glass shares are listed in New Zealand on the NZX and in Australia on the ASX. They are actively traded each day, so their value will rise and fall according to market conditions.

What is the Metro Performance Glass ticker code?

On the NZX it is “MPG” and on the ASX it is “MPP”.

How do I invest from New Zealand?

To invest in Metro Performance Glass please contact your usual stockbroker. In most stock tracking software you can use the symbol MPG.NZ. A full list of New Zealand stockbrokers and other information about buying or selling shares on the NZX can be found on the NZX website.

How do I invest from Australia?

To invest in Metro Performance Glass please contact your usual stockbroker. In most stock tracking software, you can use the symbol MPP.AX. A full list of Australian stockbrokers and other information about buying or selling shares on the ASX can be found on the ASX website.

How do I invest from outside of New Zealand and Australia?

If you are a resident outside of New Zealand and Australia and want to invest in Metro Performance Glass, note that Metro’s shares can generally only be purchased through an NZX or ASX registered share broker. However, you can contact your local share broker to see if they have a relationship with an NZX or ASX registered broker.

How do I manage my shares?

Link Mark Services maintain Metro Performance Glass’ share register. Link Market Services can be contacted by emailing enquiries@linkmarketservices.co.nz. They can be contacted by phone on +64 9 375 5998 for the New Zealand office and +61 2 8280 7111 for the Australian office.

Where is my dividend payment? Or how can I change the payment method for my dividend?

In both cases, please contact Metro Performance Glass’ share registrar Link Market Services as above.

Is this a good time to buy or sell Metro Performance Glass shares?

We cannot provide advice to investors on share trading. For advice on trading, please contract your share broker or independent financial Advisor.

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