Standard Design PS1

Standard Design PS1

For balustrade & pool fence PS1 requests

We have been made aware that some e-mail providers are blocking the e-mails with the completed PS1 documents attached. Please e-mail if you don’t receive your standard design PS1 document within 1-5 working days. Please include your request reference number, to help us find your enquiry as quickly as possible.

 Important notes prior to submitting your PS1 request:

Click here for a step by step guide on how to complete your Standard PS1 request

Standard design PS1's do not allow for fixing to/through a waterproof membrane (WPM) or for the use of curved glass panels. If a WPM is involved or curved glass is required, a specific design PS1 request will need to be completed instead.

Please register your details to receive an email with your PS1 request unique link. For all future projects you will need to request a new link. Please have all of the following information to complete the form in one session. Once you have completed and submitted the form you will no longer have access to the form, and a copy of the selected options will be sent to you for your records.

  1. Building consent authority (the form has a drop-down list).

  2. Client / designers name.

  3. E-mail address for receipt of PS1 document.

  4. Project street address.

  5. Project occupancy type.

  6. Project wind zone.

  7. Preferred balustrade system.

  8. Balustrade installation details (See note below)

Note – you will require the following information to complete the balustrade installation details:

  • Side or base fixing & fixing substrate material.

  • Max height of glass above adjacent ground/floor level.

  • Design height “H” of glass panel (system drawings are provided within the form).

  • Preferred glass type (laminated or toughened).

  • Preferred rail or bracket detail (if required).

Industry changes

  • With the regulatory changes you may find some systems are no longer available as a selection option in the standard design PS1 form (particularly in the case of timber fixings).

Standards for primary NZBC compliance pathway

  • NZS 3604 Timber framed buildings (not requiring specific engineering design).

  • NZS 4229 Concrete masonry buildings not requiring specific engineering design.

  • NZS 8500 Safety Barriers and fences around swimming pools, spas and hot tubs.

To view any of these standards click here

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